Friday 7 November 2014

Scarred For Life.

In our lives, we have all heard stuff that effected us in various ways. Now, serious things may scar us but as a child, the most ridiculous things could have caused us fear.

#1: I live in a hot and dry country so when its finally a bit cold, all insects leave their houses. When I was 5 years old, my mom had told me that lizards are really dangerous; she said that if a lizard touches your body then it will stick to your body and will not move unless you get an operation. Being a 5 year old, having a lizard sticking to my body for the rest of my life or having an operation were the two most fearful things I could think of. To this day, I am terrified of lizards.

#2: I used to never wear seat belts in the car because I found them very annoying and uncomfortable. In an attempt to make me finally wear a seat belt, my dad told me that the sound the car makes when someone isn't wearing the seat belt is actually the car counting down; when the sound stops, a punching glove will come out and punch me in the face. To this day, I NEVER sit in a car without wearing my seat belt.

#3: I always wore tan tops when I was younger but I was really overweight, so once my aunt started making fun of me; she said I had very fat arms. I knew she was just joking but I was effected but what she said. To this day, I NEVER wear tank tops, not even at home; I don't even wear them to look at myself in the mirror.

#4: When I was 5, my parents traveled for about a year so my brother and I were left with our aunt. My brother ate a lot but I had a low appetite so my aunt thought that her making me eat was a good thing to do. She stuffed my face with food and threatened me that she'll make me eat pepper if I don't eat my lunch/dinner. Back then, the thought of eating pepper was very scary. To this day, -although I'm not afraid of peppers anymore- if I go to her house for a family gathering, I will always leave the dining room with an empty plate.

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