Saturday 29 November 2014

How NOT to embarrass yourself in public

If you know me then you probably know that I'm a really awkward person and I always tend to embarrass myself somehow. It's quite ironic for ME to be helping people not embarrass themselves but oh well, I'll try. Everything written is based upon my experience.

I do this one a lot. A few months ago, I was in my grandmother's house and I was basically analyzing how I could stand up from my sitting position without falling into the food that was placed on the floor in front of me. As silly as that may sound, it was a very stressful moment in my life but at least, I didn't fall into the food.

Your parents have probably told you this before because its so important! When I was in Georgia a few months ago -check out my traveling blog (It's always time for a promo) okay so we used to go out every night for walks and we were like a huge number of people, so I was peacefully walking and thinking about what were gonna have for dinner and then I suddenly FELL ON MY FACE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET.

Where I live most people speak either Arabic or English (or a mixture of both languages) but there are some groups of people which are Arab by blood but Iranian by roots so they can speak Persian as well. So the other day, I was with my mom in a supermarket and the cashier was really slow -I was in a hurry- I made fun of him in Persian, not expecting him to understand but then he glared at me and I found out that he spoke and understood Persian as well.

If you forgot someone's name then don't try to guess it because you might embarrass yourself. "Sorry, I'm terrible with names. What was it again?" I have tried saying this and it works, surprisingly, people appreciate it as well.
"Sorry, I'm terrible with names. What was it again?"
"I'm ___"
"Oh nice to see you ___"
*when leaving*
"Okay bye ___, see you around."

-The point is, you should repeat the person's name as much as you can -without making it awkward- while looking them in the eyes.

Oldest trick in the book, when you wave at someone by mistake, as soon as you realize it move your hand to your hair quickly and brush your hair -act natural-

Twitter: @BloggerFatema

Friday 21 November 2014

Short Fiction Story!

I rushed into the school hurriedly. Late as usual, nothing new. I wondered how I got my scholarship but then I realized I had to be somewhere; I couldn't waste more time.

The building wasn't like the building I had imagined. The walls weren't decorated like a normal high school, it looked more like a military camp. The school was dull and shallow, everything looked dead. I wondered if I was in the wrong building but then again, it said "Washington State High School".  Maybe that's what a school should like, maybe the plain walls help the students focus more. I don't know, I'm in America; they know best.

I walked past the monotonous hallways, all the hallways looked the same; colorless and dead. The repetitious hallways were soul destroying. The students also looked mind-numbed by the insipid walls; they stared at me with hostile eyes, I smiled and walked. I didn't want to get in trouble in the first day so I kept a distance between the zombie-like students. 

I headed to an expansive room that had a projector in the middle and a man that looked like a teacher was lecturing all the students. I bustled to the other side of the spacious room and stood behind some chairs.
"As you all know, guns are allowed in the campus just in case of any emergencies. We all know about the shooting that happened last year; I hope the students are sane enough not to pull the trigger this year."

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. Why on earth would a school allow guns? It was a high school for gods sake! A headache developed in my head because of thinking too much. Guns weren't even allowed for citizens in my country, how could a HIGH SCHOOL allow guns? 

While walking -and stumbling here and there- to the room I was assigned to, I tried to avoid eye contact as much as I could. As dead eyed people looked at me, all I could think about was that every single person here -except me- has a gun. I broke out in a cold sweat thinking about where I was stuck in for the next year.

 I opened the door of my dorm. A slightly muscular, fair skinned boy was standing in the middle of the room, as he looked up I noticed his green-grey eyes. There was one thing he had in common with all the other students here; they all had hostile eyes. 

He looked at me intensely, I felt as though his gaze bore holes in me. 
"Hey, I'm Ziyad. I guess I'm your roommate," I said as I felt a lump lodge itself in my throat.
"I'm Isaac and I wont shoot you unless you annoy me."
Such an auspicious way to introduce himself.
 "I've got a rule; stay out of my side of the room. I really don't mind shooting another person so play by the rules, understood?" he said, his voice serious.
And then it hit me. He wasn't humorous, he meant everything he said. 

I felt my stomach crumble as my heart started racing. The thought of sleeping with someone who had just threatened to kill me was petrifying. I couldn't sleep that night, I kept on replaying a scene in my mind; the scene where he might decide to kill me in the middle of my sleep. 

-Twitter: @BloggerFatema

Thursday 13 November 2014


Despite the fact that her channel is about beauty, Zoe Sugg has been an influential youtuber who has effected many teenagers' life but of course, fame has its ups and downs.

Zoe Sugg who is also known as Zoella on YouTube has been receiving hate lately; it is said that she is overrated and doesn't deserve to be a role model. In fact, Zoella has been mentioned by The Telegraph as one of "Britain's most influential Tweeters" in 2013. 

The fact that she has anxiety and is now a famous Youtuber can have a really positive impact on people who deal with social anxiety; it can give hope to everyone dealing with social anxiety. 

Zoella has effected so many people and she is a very influential role model and whoever hates her is just not focusing on everything good she has ever done; through out all the time that i have watched her videos, I have never heard her say anything that is critical and judgmental.

These are just a few ways of how she has effected people and a few reasons of why people consider her as a role model:

"Shes helped me with my anxiety. Shes showed me that I'm not alone and that i can actually go out and do things. (:" -@Alfietbfh

"Some of the advice she gives is inspirational. She is also the reason i am who i am without her and the rest of the YouTube crew i won't have much confidence, if I'm down they help me smile again." -@Hannah_Sugglet

"Well , basically , she is my role model because she is a really nice person in general who has helped people deal with suicidal thoughts" -@Aleeshaaxo

"She has helped me stay positive in negative situations & how to be strong. She's my role model because she's so kind and strong and successful, and I hope to be like that when I grow up."- @zozeecutie

"Because her happiness and the way she is how lovely and helpful and honest she is makes her a lovely person. She's not perfect like everyone but she still puts a smile on our faces. She has an amazing personality and talented at creating more videos about beauty and how she does and it helps a lot of people for new hair do's and beginners in makeup, and u couldn't thank her enough." -@simplyzoellaa

Friday 7 November 2014

Scarred For Life.

In our lives, we have all heard stuff that effected us in various ways. Now, serious things may scar us but as a child, the most ridiculous things could have caused us fear.

#1: I live in a hot and dry country so when its finally a bit cold, all insects leave their houses. When I was 5 years old, my mom had told me that lizards are really dangerous; she said that if a lizard touches your body then it will stick to your body and will not move unless you get an operation. Being a 5 year old, having a lizard sticking to my body for the rest of my life or having an operation were the two most fearful things I could think of. To this day, I am terrified of lizards.

#2: I used to never wear seat belts in the car because I found them very annoying and uncomfortable. In an attempt to make me finally wear a seat belt, my dad told me that the sound the car makes when someone isn't wearing the seat belt is actually the car counting down; when the sound stops, a punching glove will come out and punch me in the face. To this day, I NEVER sit in a car without wearing my seat belt.

#3: I always wore tan tops when I was younger but I was really overweight, so once my aunt started making fun of me; she said I had very fat arms. I knew she was just joking but I was effected but what she said. To this day, I NEVER wear tank tops, not even at home; I don't even wear them to look at myself in the mirror.

#4: When I was 5, my parents traveled for about a year so my brother and I were left with our aunt. My brother ate a lot but I had a low appetite so my aunt thought that her making me eat was a good thing to do. She stuffed my face with food and threatened me that she'll make me eat pepper if I don't eat my lunch/dinner. Back then, the thought of eating pepper was very scary. To this day, -although I'm not afraid of peppers anymore- if I go to her house for a family gathering, I will always leave the dining room with an empty plate.