Thursday 23 October 2014

Becoming who I am today.

I have changed a lot through out my life and i guess that's just shaping my personality. I was a completely different person a few years back; my life has turned upside down and so have I.

5 things that shaped me to who i am today:

#1: Negative thinking to positive thinking.
The most important thing to change in your life is the way you think and your aspect of life. I used to think negatively all the time which slowly killed me and developed to a really big problem. After years of negative thinking, I have decided that I have to change. Changing the way I think was a major turning point in my life; I changed from a pessimist to an optimist.

#2: Losing weight.
3 years ago, I was obese and borderline diabetic. To this day, I am not supported for living healthily. Although having a child who is healthy is every parents dream, its not my parents' dream; they wish for a 'normal' child who eats everything. The day I found out I was borderline diabetic was the day I had decided that I have to lose wight; my life changed; I changed my life; the food i ate; the way i used to think; and the way i used to feel. After losing almost 20 kilograms, I started believing in
myself and I found out that whatever i set my mind to, I can accomplish.

 #3: Learning from my mistakes.
I used to get upset when I failed in anything, whether it was school work or a competition. Today, when I fail in tests, competitions or exams; I note down where I went wrong and i figure out how I can fix my mistakes. I now believe that mastery comes through practice and practice happens through failure. 

#4: Losing friends.
Last year, i have lost a dozen of friends but although, I was depressed after they all left me; I realized that it was for the best. After months of isolation and sadness, I told myself that they are out of my life for a reason and God have taken them out of my life, in order for me, to be happy. Everything happens for a reason and them leaving my life is for the best.

#5: Accepting myself the way I am.
Self acceptance and self love are words that sound like an easy thing but is really hard to achieve. Years of insecurity and self hate have finally led to years of self love and self acceptance. I have worked very hard on this point and I finally can truly say that I love and accept myself the way I am. I may not be the kindest, most intelligent or most beautiful person in the world, but i try hard to change myself into best version of myself and i think that's why I should love myself.


Sunday 12 October 2014

Bullying: Wake Up Call.

Bullying has been such a common thing nowadays that its completely normal for someone to witness bullying at least 5 times a day. People are unjustly treated and humiliated in public for the sake of someone's laughter. People have completely forgotten how to joke and laugh unless it has something to do with making fun of someone else.
The bullying epidemic is developing so quickly that 1/3 of children are being bullied or have been bullied before. 

If you think bullying is not a serious issue, take a look at the statistics:
1- Bully victims are 2-9 times more likely to consider suicide.
2- 56% of students have witnessed bullying.
3- 71% students report incidents of bullying as a problem.
4- 282,000 students are physically attacked in school every month.
5- 90% of fourth to eighth grade students report being bullied.
6- Thousands of students miss school everyday because they are scared of being bullied.
7- Every 1 out of 10 people who drop out of high school, do it because of bullying.
8- 87% of students say that school shootings are because people want to get back at people who had bullied them.

In terms of how bullying effects people; bullying destroys everything about a person; it destroys everything that they are. Bullying may cause a person to be insecure, depressed, and also it can develop social anxiety.

Although this epidemic is causing so many problems, people are not trying hard enough to stop it. In fact, no one should stop anyone from bullying; parents should teach their children to accept everyone the way they are. Every few minutes, someone attempts suicide; now as your are reading this, someone might be attempting suicide. Someone might be getting bullied right now. Someone might be crying their eyes off and harming themselves because of what someone might have told them.

Every person that cares about what other people have to say about her/him should start to loving themselves. I know you might think that its not easy but its actually simple: tell yourself you love and accept yourself and you soon enough will.

If you're a bully you should know that everyone has feelings, everyone has feelings and a heart. People will think about what you say, even if you say it as a joke. People WILL get upset. Think about your actions, consider the consequences. If you are bullying someone and telling them that they are things that they are not, STOP and BE KIND.

If you are being bullied, you have to reach out for help. You also need to question what people say about you because its probably not true.
When someone brings you down, remember how strong you are; how many times you have been put down; how many times you have experienced those close minded people. No matter what anyone says, you must not fall! When you are pushed down, you should stand on your feet again.

You must believe in yourself and wake up everyday energized and tell yourself that whatever you couldn't do yesterday, you can do today. Be yourself, work for yourself, believe in yourself and love yourself.

To everyone else: stand up to bullying. Say something, whoever you are, do not tolerate bullying. Reach out to the people who are being bullied, listen to them, help them; you might be the only savior they get.

We are all human beings and we all deserve to be treated with some kind of respect. I really believe if we work together, if we are informed and if we stand up to this; we can help make bullying less of a problem in our generation.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Passions & Ambition Pursuing

"When you know within yourself that there's something you need to do and i believe that all of us were born with a purpose; that all of us have something that we are supposed to do; that all of us have some goodness within us and that goodness gives us a responsibility to manifest our greatness." Les Brown.

Earlier last year, i have realized that i don't just want to be alive; i want to be living. I want to have fun and work on my ambitions. I have decided to study computer science or literature in university and i want to attend The University Of Manchester. I have always been passionate about both subjects and i think it would be perfect for me to study a subject i am passionate about in a country that i love and have heard many stories about from my mom.

My decision isn't just a dream, its something that I'm working on for the past two years. I have accomplished one of my goals which is to get an A in Maths (which i was almost failing) and i am working hard to get The Cambridge Certificate, IGCSE and then finally get my IB diploma. I know what I'm trying to achieve isn't easy to accomplish but i believe i can do whatever i set my mind to.

"Not only is it possible for you to have your dream, its necessary that you have it; that you work on it; that you develop yourself; That you go for what is yours in the universe."