Monday 28 September 2015


I was brought into earth and as i grew up, i explored the galaxies around me
My explorations always led back to you
To the light in your eyes, the hope in your voice
You are all I'd ever need and with you,
I'm limitless; I'm the strongest version of myself 
I found the answers of all my questions in you
I found myself wandering around your soul
And into your eyes
Where I feel most safe
Your arms are my armor, protecting me from this scary world
You keep me on my feet and most importantly, 
You keep me sane  
Because without you,
I'm just a stardust pushed around galaxies 
You're my best friend, my waking thought and my good night's dream

Thursday 21 May 2015

A letter you'll never read.

My love, 
My love.. do you still permit me to call you that? I wish I could grow up with you, I really do. I don't want you now; we're young and stupid.. I know it won't work out now. I don't want a reckless relationship with you. I want you in my future. Right now, all I want is for you to be my friend, to be my support, to always be by my side. When we grow up... I want more. I want you to be the father of my children. I want to see you when you hold the bundle of joy that I will carry for you for 9 months. I want to observe how our little daughter will slowly steal all the love you had for me. I want to be mesmerized by the view of you carrying our children in the world; protecting them like how you protected me, my love. I want to be by your side when you do that. I want to look into your eyes and remind myself how blessed I am to have someone as amazing as you in my life. I want our son to have that weird haircut you had in 4th grade. I want to have midnight conversations about our mistakes and the silly things we used to do. I want to laugh the night away with you. I want to remind you how I fell in love with you in the first place. I hope one day, we'll travel the world. You always said, "Italy for honeymoon." I still remember, love. We talked about going to the UK to see one direction, sounds silly I know. You went to your first concert already but I hope my first is gonna be by your side. I hope my firsts, my lasts and all that's in between is gonna be with you. 

I want our children to think of us whenever they're asked what the definition of love is. I don't want anything fancy. All I want is you, a shelter and a family. You grew up with a step-dad; I don't want our children to face that. I want to show you that true love still exists. Its a shame that a love like ours would go to waste. I don't want to lose you because I know no one will be able to love you as much as I do and no one will be able to make me as happy as you do. I want us to go through everything together; the bad times, the good times. I am willing to go to hell and back if you're by my side, love.

I want you to make me feel safe while I give you unconditional love. Most importantly, I don't ever want to be apart from you. I want to watch as your hair turns from black to grey and then to lighter shades and finally white. And when you don't have hair anymore? I'll still be madly in love with you.I loved you three years ago and I still didn't lose an ounce of love that I have for you. My love for you has only increased; my love for you has overflown from my weak heart. I finally made up my mind, I'm in love with the guy who ruined my life, I've always been.

Promise me that you'll always know that although life has torn us apart, my love for you will always stay; nothing can take that away. And if one day you change your mind, I'll gladly welcome you back into my arms again as a friend and slowly we'll develop to lovers again. I hope your eyes stay as enchanting as they did when they first saw right through me. The silence of the moment when we hold each other, show the love that no words could ever describe. You hold a place in my heart that no one could ever replace. I really hope that one day fate will stitch us back together, my love.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Sleep Deprived.

Children who became orphans because of starvation were sent to an orphanage and were taken care of by the government. They were all alone. Well, they weren’t literally alone, there were other orphans too but they didn’t really have time to communicate, or even sleep. All they did was work; day and night. “You will have to work 24 hours, 7 days a week.” His voice still ringed in all the orphans’ ears.  There were only 10 children in the orphanage; that’s why they had to work all the time. When the children’s parents were deceased, they were sent to school and if they fail, they were sent to an orphanage. The children looked like zombies; their faces were as pale as a ghost and their eyes were circled with dark rings. 

After Andrea’s parents starved to death, she was taken by the government to the orphanage. Andrea’s high hopes suddenly burst into tears. She worked continuously for 2 months but then she was fed up; she carried her almost deceased body to the master’s office. She suddenly felt like the earth had stopped turning. There was no more oxygen in the world. Fire was rapidly burning her and turning her to ashes.

She knocked the door. Once. No answer. Twice. No answer. Three times. 

“Yes?” His voice sent shivers down her spine, flinging away all the bravery she had. She jolted backwards from his office. She heard the office’s door open and close. “What do you want?” With all her power, she gazed up at him. He had a very stern look on his face.  

“Can… I have a break?” Silence. Her heart was beating as fast as lightening and she could almost hear her heart beating in her chest. The master’s lips cracked into a smile.
“Are you joking, honey?” He simply said. Andrea tried to swallow the lump in her throat, she felt sweat beads forming on her forehead. She felt a bitter acidic taste in her throat, it felt like a tingling and burning sensation. The master just looked at her blankly.

“Just 5 minutes of sleep, sir.” Fire was lit in the master’s eyes and his face was flushed with anger. An enormous hand came out of nowhere and pressed Andrea on the hard ground. Everything happened so swiftly; a hand coming out of nowhere and slapping Andrea on her face. Andrea crying with red stained cheeks. Everyone in the orphanage stared with owl wide eyes. Since the establishment of the orphanage 10 years ago, it was never this noiseless and active. Sleep was suddenly swept away from the eyes of all the children.